Saturday, 30 December 2017

Guide To Passing English Literature

So if you're in the same place as me and have an English Literature exam coming up then hopefully this will help you. I'm sitting this exam on the 9th January, and it is 35% of the GCSE and most of the exam is based on Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck ( if this is the book you studied of course!). 

Hopefully in this post I will help you how to revise for this exam or any exam based on a book you have studied.

 1. My first step in preparing for this exam would be to re-read the book.
This will help to remind you on the key events and the overall plot of the book. This leads me onto my next point;

2. Which is to write summaries for each chapter. 
This is great to write on flashcards or on quizlet so that when you need to go over the plot and events then you can get the information quickly instead of reading the whole book again. You may even be able to find these summaries already there for you if you got a specific GCSE copy of the book you are studying (they're usually at the front of each chapter!)

3. Draw spider diagrams.
Spider diagrams are perfect for condensing information onto one page instead of having to search through pages of notes to find the important details.
You can make the spider diagrams on different characters, themes, context etc. Remember to use different colours and highlight details, this is great for organising your spider diagram into different sections.

4.Write Flashcards.
This is to help you remember things off by heart such as quotes and key information. Also, like I said before, these are helpful for writing summaries. These can even just be in bullet points.

5. Use given links
You may have been given links by your teacher to help you revise. USE THEM! The teacher is here to help you and these may be really useful. If you have not received links to videos or useful websites etc, you can use these:

6. Finally, once you have completed all of the above you should attempt practise questions.
You can find these on your exam boards website such as AQA, Edexcel. WJEC. Questions can also be found on other websites too. This should be found under past papers.
Once these questions have been completed, make sure to get them checked and marked by your teacher. After this you should traffic light your work by giving each question/topic a colour of red, amber or green depending on how well you feel like you understand. You can then prioritise the topics you didn't do so well on and make sure you then focus on these.

Make sure you take a break every 30-45 minutes.

Good luck!

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Friday, 22 December 2017

Lighten Up! (Festive Lantern Night)

Untitled Document
Tonight I went to a Christmas sort of festival which is well known for it's lanterns, I had a great time.

The outfit I wore was perfect for winter and Christmassy too.
Jacket- Burberry (vintage from depop)
Sweatshirt- Topshop
Denim skirt- New look
Boots- Doc Martens

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Sunday, 17 December 2017


Hello! This is Ruby Anne. This is my new (and first!) blog. I am a student who enjoys fashion and is also hoping to open a little clothes shop one day. Hopefully starting this blog is the first step to achieving that goal. I live in UK and I love it here!

I am blogging to share my unique and vintage fashion sense. I am also hoping to share some of my tips and put my love for fashion and art to good use. If you do find yourself here then I'd love for you to stay and enjoy my blog.

In this blog I'd like to make it all about fashion,beauty and art. I will be sharing my outfits often, and making look books for you to get inspiration from. I'd also like to share my favourite looks by designers and celebrities too. Occasionally, I would like to also show my recreations and make 'look for less' posts using celebrities' most recent styles. As I am someone who LOVES to draw and studying art and design, I would love to post my most recent drawings for myself or for my coursework. I would also like to hear from you to tell me what you would like to see in this blog.

You can get involved by emailing me at or commenting on any of my posts.

Hopefully I will be able to learn and give myself a boost for achieving my goal of my own clothes shop.

Subscribe to follow my posts. Many will be coming soon! Follow my blog with Bloglovin
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