Sunday, 17 December 2017


Hello! This is Ruby Anne. This is my new (and first!) blog. I am a student who enjoys fashion and is also hoping to open a little clothes shop one day. Hopefully starting this blog is the first step to achieving that goal. I live in UK and I love it here!

I am blogging to share my unique and vintage fashion sense. I am also hoping to share some of my tips and put my love for fashion and art to good use. If you do find yourself here then I'd love for you to stay and enjoy my blog.

In this blog I'd like to make it all about fashion,beauty and art. I will be sharing my outfits often, and making look books for you to get inspiration from. I'd also like to share my favourite looks by designers and celebrities too. Occasionally, I would like to also show my recreations and make 'look for less' posts using celebrities' most recent styles. As I am someone who LOVES to draw and studying art and design, I would love to post my most recent drawings for myself or for my coursework. I would also like to hear from you to tell me what you would like to see in this blog.

You can get involved by emailing me at or commenting on any of my posts.

Hopefully I will be able to learn and give myself a boost for achieving my goal of my own clothes shop.

Subscribe to follow my posts. Many will be coming soon! Follow my blog with Bloglovin

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