Saturday, 6 January 2018

How To Get Rid Of Things You Never Wear

After Christmas at this time of year you probably have lots of new clothes and clutter in your (used to be) lovely and minimal room, I know that's what it's like for me! Therefore I thought this would be a perfect time to create a post like this as I know it will be helpful for both me and you!

Here are some tips and tricks on how to get rid and sort out those unwanted clothes:
 1.  My first tip would be to sort out your clothes into 2 piles. The first pile includes clothes that you have worn in the past month and the second pile is clothes you haven't worn in the past month. Hopefully this should pretty immediately narrow down your clothes.

 2. Next, if you haven't worn that piece of clothing in the past month due to these reasons then you should get rid of it:

  • That clothing item doesn't fit.
  • You dislike the item ( we all have one of those gifts).
  • The item of clothing is damaged or has a stain.
However, if the item fits in with any of these reasons then you may keep it:
  • You just haven't had the opportunity to wear this item in the past month.
  • It's been the wrong type of weather for the outfit but you know you will wear this item when the right season comes around again.
  • The item has been hidden away for the past few years behind all the clutter and you feel like you've been reunited with an old friend.
3. Once you've decided which items you would like to keep and which items you'd like to get rid of, you'll be left with a large pile of unwanted clothes and your room will be looking messier than how it started. Here are some ways to get rid of those clothes:
  • If the item is in good condition then I recommend selling these items on a website such as ebay or, my personal favourite, depop. Depop is a trustworthy website specific to selling clothes and accessories ( You can also get some money from this too, which, in my case, would mean that I bought new clothes to fill the new organised space I had just sorted out.
  • If the item is possibly damaged or has a curry stain from that take-away you had last month then try and recycle those clothes but whatever you do make sure that throwing away those clothes is the last option (they may be ugly but not ugly enough to deserve being stuffed in a hole in the ground).
I really hope these tips have helped you declutter your room and organise your wardrobe and drawers.

Also, out of interest, comment below where you are from and whether you have been reading my blog so far.
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