Hey! So I am aware that it has been an extremely long time since I have last written a blog post. I have been super busy with GCSEs but now after a 3 week break since my last exam have decided to buckle down and get back into writing these blog posts. I thought to kick it off I would start with my summer bucket list. During my GCSEs I motivated myself by writing myself a bucket list for summer so here it is;
1. Improve my drawing skills.
Next year I am planning on doing A level art and I thought to give myself a head start I would draw lots over summer.
To complete this goal I am planning on doing a 30 day drawing challenge, I also thought that this would be a perfect opportunity to also get back into blogging so starting tomorrow I will be posting a new drawing everyday for 30 days, hopefully this will get myself into the routine of drawing everyday.
2. Get flexible.
This is a bit of a random one but I've always wanted to be super flexible so I thought now would be a good time.
To make this a more of a measurable goal, I will be trying to be doing the splits which will require me to stretch everyday and therefore improve my flexibility.
3. Learn guitar.
I am hugely into music and although I've had phases of learning instruments, I have never learned guitar which is the one instrument I am most enthusiastic about. I have an acoustic guitar so this is totally do-able.
I will teach myself all of the chords and I am going to set myself the goal of being able to play at least 3 songs.
4. Redecorate my garage.
Currently my garage is a huge mess, I would love to have a cool place to hang out with friends and have parties. I also believe that this is a great little project that I will thoroughly enjoy.
I plan to get new furniture from charity shops and spend as little money as possible. I will also post blog post on the transformation.
5. Ride my horse more often.
I believe that this is a goal that I have already completed but once again this goal isn't very measurable, therefore me and my mum have decided to complete a marathon on the horses which will also require quite a bit of training and will also get the horses back into shape.
6. Run a 10k.
My mum happens to love running but personally I'm not a huge fan, but this is something I want to be able to enjoy. I have put myself down for a race in September and I am going to begin training ASAP even though the weather is boiling!
7. Get a job.
I have actually already completed this goal! I got my first job last week and I am super happy! I start Wednesday. I am working in a fish and chip shop (glamorous, I know) but it's a start. I plan to save a third of my savings each week for a car so that's also super exciting!
That's all of my goals and I will keep you updated on how they go. I am starting with drawing for 30 days and I will be starting tomorrow so I'll speak to you then!
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